What's Happening:

  • Annie Armstrong Easter OfferinG

    Our church goal is that every family or individual gives something, however the Lord leads.


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  • Easter Worship Workshop

    Sunday, March 30  |  12 PM - 2:30 PM

    Fellowship Hall  |  Lunch Provided

    Come join the

    Easter Choir!

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Vision '25

First will be on mission for Jesus to share His life and story with our families, our friends, our neighbors, and our community. We will obey the Word of the LORD and “GO!” Jesus sent His disciples into the fields to make a difference. We will make a difference in 2025 here at home and across the nation and beyond to precious people around the world.

Being on mission is part of growing in love with Jesus. This process is called discipleship. Discipleship is growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. It is learning to obey His Spirit and His Word. True disciples saturate their lives with the Word and serve in obedience as their act of worship. First will provide many opportunities for growth through Bible Study, Discipleship ministries on Sunday evening (Re:Generation) and on Wednesday Nights as well as Challenge groups and Prayer groups and One-on-One relationships.

Dr. Ken May

Senior Pastor

Ken and Lisa May joined the First Family in 2015. They have pastored in Dallas, Richardson, Kingsville, and Decatur before coming to Stephenville. Ken attended Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Ken and Lisa have three sons and four grandchildren. Pastor Ken also serves as Chaplain for the Stephenville Police Department and on the Texas Baptist Executive Board.
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