What's Happening

  • Sunday, Oct. 27

    TeACHERS' mEETING: 5:00 pm

    lIGHT mEAL: 5:30 pm

    cONFERENCE: 6:00 pm

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  • Thursday, Oct. 31

    6:00 - 8:00 PM

    Paradigm Building

    Inflatables  |  Games  

    Food  |  Prizes

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Vision '24

WORD – Let the Word of God be a priority in this year 2024. Hear it, Read it, Study it, Memorize it, and Meditate on it daily. God’s Word never returns void.


WIND – When Jesus met with Nicodemus at night, He told him that the Wind blows. It was a focus on the Spirit of God. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit blew in with power and appeared with fire to anoint the believers and send them out. Let this year be one of listening to God and talking with God. Prayer is a wonderful gift from the Father through the Son by the Holy Spirit. May we saturate our lives with prayer this year.


WITNESS – God has called us to be His witnesses as the body of Christ. We are to be salt and light in this world. There are many parts of the body but as we come together, we show what Jesus looks like. Let us BE His witnesses over the coming months.


WORLD – God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son. God desires everyone to come to know Him. He has called us to be “ON MISSION” for Him. Taking the Word into our hearts and listening to the Wind of the Spirit, we become Witnesses to our World. Let us go out into the streets and alleys and tell our neighbors, friends, coworkers, and everyone we meet – about Jesus, our Savior and LORD, our King.

Dr. Ken May

Senior Pastor

Ken and Lisa May joined the First Family in 2015. They have pastored in Dallas, Richardson, Kingsville, and Decatur before coming to Stephenville. Ken attended Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Ken and Lisa have three sons and four grandchildren. Pastor Ken also serves as Chaplain for the Stephenville Police Department and on the Texas Baptist Executive Board.
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